Poster 1
Poster 2
Target Audience
Poster 1: Active people, nature lovers, hikers and bikers
Poster 2: Thrill seekers, nature lovers
Selected City: Albuquerque, New Mexico
One of the most culturally diverse cities in the US
This is reflected in architecture, art, cultural centers, cuisine

4 seasons
Clear blue skies, calm winds, mild temperatures great for:
hot air balloon rides, and all kinds of outdoor activity
Rocky terrain and several surrounding mountains:
Sandia, Manzano
Good for hiking and mountain biking
Cultural Jeep tours, canoe/kayak at the Rio Grande
Potential Audience:
Nature Lovers
Adventure seekers
catering to everyone
Word List:
vibrant  active  diverse   cultural
breathtaking   authentic   free
whimsical  relaxing  proud

Digital Ideation/drafts

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