I surrender, acrylic & rubber-based ink, Scrub Daddy Ecomesh scrubber, Nicole Yoo, 2024
First individual project for this class. Prompt was to print a haiku, combined with a found object that was later decided to be part of the assignment. This print is part of a bigger compilation of a total of 10 haikus created by the students in this class, called "Finder's Keepsake".
I chose this specific haiku from scouring the internet for those regarding faith and God, but not explicitly, for everyone to relate. This touches upon a theme throughout Paul's epistles, where by the strength of God I can endure the highs and the lows.
The Scrub Daddy sponge was chosen on a whim because of the figure/ground aspect would work great for letterpress. Also, the texture came out beautifully.

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